John Lindsay Interview

Halo skateboarders! ketemu lagi di artikel interview terbaru, kali ini interview kita agak sedikit berbeda nih, wonder akan ngobrol santai bareng Street skateboarder asal San Fransisco, seorang seniman juga dan pernah bekerjasama dengan Magenta Skateboard. Sempat tinggal dan skating di Jepang dan mempelajari kultur skateboarding disana, yang unik dari pria ini adalah beberapa waktu lalu dia sempat me-rivew video skateboard 00:00 yang di buat oleh beberapa teman kita, apa yang membuat dia akhirnya tertarik dengan video tersebut? dan apa pandangan dirinya tentang scene skateboard di indonesia saat ini? dan kita juga akan bebicara tentang skatepark bersama dia..

langsung aja kita simak, obrolan santai bareng John Lindsay check it out

For those who don't know you here in Indonesia, can you please introduce yourself and what you do?

Greetings!  My name is John Lindsay, I am 31 years old and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area here the United States.  I am a skateboarder, artist, admirer of things, and consumer of candy and desserts.

You seem stoked on the night skating video called 00:00 that my friend made, what is it that make you like it?
I thought the video was great!  A rollercoaster of excitement with exposure to underground night skateboarding from Indonesia with great music, editing and skating from Adam Andiga, Ramdan Hadi Putra dan, and Jimmy Bastanta. Everyone had an interesting approach to skating what appeared to be some very unique and fun spots!  Keep the Indonesian skate videos coming! 

And after that skateboarder here talk about you, especially among street skateboarder here, they talk about The Sleeping Horse, exactly what is the sleeping horse?

The Sleeping Horse is a more or less a creative outlet which started with a focus on hand printed goods including; T-shirts, Bags, and Gloves.  However, I feel it has evolved quite a bit and has become more of a collective of artists, friends, and skateboarders collaborating with each other bringing  fun and exciting ideas to the table, while keeping our ideals in the street!  I am happy that it has allowed me to connect with so many skateboarders all over the United States and around the world!

John Lindsay in Japan
Photo Taken by : David Steel ( 
Styley )

In Indonesia the number of skatepark is not as much as in the USA, Our government has not to supported skateboarding here, That ' s one who makes street skateboarding now many do here, so skateboarder make they own D.Y.I skatepark, including me. You think, is it important the existence of skatepark in indonesia at this time?
I think that the “Do It Yourself” mentality is very important and vital in empowering skateboarders to create change for themselves.  DIY skateparks are very important to skateboard culture and over the years they have really brought skaters together and helped strengthen skate scenes and communities around the world.  If no one is going to do it for you, do it yourself! Boom!

I do not know that it was you are an artist, after i saw Magenta having your guest artist deck and the design its very good. Can you tell us a little bit about the project?

I started making collages while living in Japan from 2005-2009.  While commuting to work each day, I began collecting train tickets which I found at ticket machines and in the trash.  Japanese train tickets come in all kinds of different shapes, colors, and materials which make for some fun an interesting visuals.  The tickets themselves are a small but important piece of a small personal story.  Telling of the daily Tokyo work/school/shopping pilgrimages from point A to point B. I started cutting up and rearranging tickets experimenting with shapes, colors, and composition. 

Things began to evolve as they naturally do, and “KAZAAM!” I had collages staring back at me resembling my urban Tokyo surroundings.  For the Magenta board, I had a few conversations about doing a board with Soy Panday after he had seen some collages I had made.  I sent him a scan of the collage I did for the Magenta board, and I guess we had a winner! Ha!  The rest is history. 

John Lindsay Art Work for Magenta Skateboard Deck 

John Lindsay & Magenta Skateboard Guest Artist Program

Thank you for taking your time answering these questions, Do you have a couple of words to skateboarder in indonesia?
To the skaters of Indonesia: Keep up the good work! Glad to see that street skateboarding and DIY culture is alive and well in the Jakarta Streets! 

Thanks to Mr. John Lindsay for taking your time already to do this interview, you are a very good person

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